Plot Board Buttons
Legend will always display the 'Primary Mode Selector Buttons' state
 unless the mouse cursor is on some other button.

Primary Mode selector Buttons
PBL1 If PBR1 is selected displays curve to fit data.

If PBR2 is selected displays the R'-Ro output of the formula parser.
When you click PBL1 and PBR2 is selected PBL1 overwrites curve to fit data with the R'-Ro output of the formula parser.

PBL1 will always plot the previous plot in a lighter shade.

PBL2 Always displays 'curve to fit data' minus R'-Ro output of the formula parser.
If the 'Color' has been changed PBL2 will plot the previous plot in a lighter shade.
PBL3 Surface plot

Draws the unknown surface and marker pins.
Draws the reference surface in yellow.
Draws the unknown surface minus the reference surface
in the users selected color.
Draws the wave front error in three shades of cyan.
Draws the wedge display and its legends when they are in use.
Tallies the integration and RMS values and displays before
the method returns.

PBL4 Surface plot

Draws the unknown surface and marker pins.
Draws the reference surface in yellow.
Applies the circumference weighting for the unknown surface minus the reference
surface.   Ref
Draws the unknown surface minus the reference surface
in the users selected color.
Draws the wave front error in three shades of cyan.
Draws the wedge display and its legends when they are in use.
Tallies the integration and RMS values and displays before
the method returns.

PBL5 Surface plot

Draws the unknown surface and marker pins.
Draws the reference surface in yellow.
Applies the circumference weighting for the unknown surface minus the reference
surface.  Ref
Applies the wave front cancellation.
Draws the unknown surface minus the reference surface
in the users selected color.
Draws the wave front error in three shades of cyan.
Draws the wedge display and its legends when they are in use.
Tallies the integration and RMS values and displays before
the method returns.

PBL6 View Arrays, refer to graphic.
Allows the user to obtain values from the following arrays:

1  'Curve to fit data'.
2  Output of formula parser, 'starward formula'.
3  Starward to surface transform of 'Curve to fit data'
    ( or 'starward formula' if 'Curve to fit data' has been overwritten ).  See PBL1
4  Starward to surface transform of output of formula parser, 'starward formula'.
5  The parabolic surface reference derived from the formula for a parabola.
6  The spherical surface reference derived from the formula for a sphere.

7  The result of subtracting one of the above arrays from another of the above arrays.
    Click on the minuend array first then the 'Minus' button then the subtrahend array.

8  An estimate of how a certain change in starward will affect surface.
    ( A ratio of starward change to surface change. )

PBL7 Using the 'Save Array' selection it is possible to save ( to disk ) one of the 400 element arrays of mirror surface or starward data.  The array to be saved is selected from the 'View Arrays' page.  See PBL6.
Instructions for using 'Save Array'.
PBL8 Copies the image of the plot board to an off screen image in memory ( not disk ).
PBL9 Displays the image copied by PBL8 to the plot board.
Displays a note to the user since the display may not correspond with the
    'Primary Mode selector Buttons' selection.
Starward Reference Source Selector
PBR1 Default, PBL1, unknown curve.  Use 'Curve to fit data' which is
     derived from the users data measurements.
PBR2 PBL1 will overwrite 'Curve to fit data' when PBL1 is pressed.
     PBL1 is overwritten with R'-Ro array,  formu_starward_metric[].
Surface Reference Source Selector
    Hovering the mouse cursor over these buttons will call the 'fill transform correction array' method
        if the associated transform correction array has not already been calibrated.

        Note: Fill transform correction array
        method is locked out when a curve has
        been zeroed at a data pin.
PBRB1 User must provide a starward formula which will be transformed
   to use as a surface reference.
Draws the transform of users curve on the plot board and the cross section.
   Next time a 'Primary Mode selector Button' is pressed transform of users formula
   will be used as the surface reference.
Right mouse click loads formula_as_a_reference_starward_metric[]. Ref1  Ref2
PBRB2 Draws a parabolic curve on the plot board and the cross section.
   Next time a 'Primary Mode selector Button' is pressed formula for a
   parabola will be used as the surface reference.
PBRB3 Draws a spherical curve on the plot board and the cross section.
   Next time a 'Primary Mode selector Button' is pressed formula for a
   sphere will be used as the surface reference.
PBRB4 User must provide a surface formula to use as a surface reference.
Draws the users curve on the plot board and the cross section.
   Next time a 'Primary Mode selector Button' is pressed users formula
   will be used as the surface reference.
Right mouse click loads formula_as_a_surface_metric[]. Ref1 Ref2


    'o' toggles (on/off) a normalized
     circumference weighting that is
     comparable to peak to valley readings.

     'O'  toggles (on/off) weighting by zone
      circumference.   (  2rx  *  pi   )


     'Wedge Display' activated, 'w' key.
     Picture at left shows the three possible
     setting for circumference weighting of
     PBL4.  Activation of the 'o' or 'O' key
     also causes plot color to change.
     'Wedge Display' activated, 'w' key.
     Picture at left explains the reason for the
     3/2 factor of the "norm" circumference
     If the error is 0 at the mirror center
     and increases straight line ( linearly )
     to the edge the area under the curve will
     be the same with  3/2r  factor on or off.
     Note: Secondary mirror diameter must
     be set to zero for this demonstration.


Display Arrays,  PBL6

Example, subtract a spherical array from a parabolic array and display the result in inches.

Hover the mouse over button 5 and click. Button background changes from pink to amber.
Click on the 'Minus' button. Buttons 7 and 8 disappear.
Click on button 6. Sphere array is displayed.
Buttons 7 and 8 re-appear.
Hover mouse over button 7. Array 5 minus array 6 is displayed.
Press the  i key on the keyboard. Array is displayed in inches.

To cancel an undesired amber button hover the mouse over Esc


Notes on the Wedge Display, Conic Display and Cross Section.

Wedge Display
   When the wedge display is activated by pressing the  w  key on the keyboard then 
   method  'plot surface  minus reference surface'  will not plot unknown surface minus reference surface.
   A wedge array will be substituted in place of the normal difference array plot.    
   The wedge vertex is at the mirror center and the wedge is two waves deep at the mirror edge.
The wave front shift after reflection is displayed in three colors of cyan.
  First 360 degrees of shift.             
  Second 360 degrees of shift.             
  Greater than 720 degrees of shift.             
 2 The mirror surface plot which is the transform of  'curve to fit data' is plotted in gray.
   The pins are plotted in blue.  If a pin has the focus it is plotted in a different
    shade of blue.  To see this plot it may be necessary to increase the number in the
    'Surface Plot Scale' data entry box.
 3 The mirror surface reference plot which is selected with the
   'Surface Reference Source Selector' buttons is plotted in light yellow.
    To see this plot it may be necessary to increase the number in the
    'Surface Plot Scale' data entry box.
 4 The 'unknown minus reference' plot is plotted in the selected plotting color.
   That portion of the plot that is within 1/8 wave of the zero line is plotted as
   a single line.  Otherwise the plot is a double line.
 5 'Phase Cancellation' is only plotted when the wedge display is activated.
   Phase cancellation reaches a maximum when the errant wave is 180 degrees
   out of phase with the correct wave front.  Phase cancellation in this display
   is derived from the difference, in waves, between the zero line and the
   'unknown - reference' plot.
   The effect of phase cancellation can be seen when PBL5 is selected.
Note  The state of the wedge display at start up is controlled by a param.

Conic Display
 6 The conic display is done when the 'Set Pin[o]' button is actuated. The 'Set Pin[o]' button may only be actuated when PBL1 is selected.  If the starward curve displayed is not for a conic curve it makes no difference to the Conic Display since the display uses only two points on the curve to do its calculation.  The two points used are the mirror center and the value of the curve at pin #0, wherever pin #0 might have been set.

The method of calculation is a rearrangement of the conic formula. It is an approximation with accuracy better than 1 percent.

The set_data_for_marker_pin_0_to_the_curve() method first sets pin #0 then does the conic display then sets a pin at 0 percent and 104 percent.  The conic display is done before the set pin at 0 and 104 percent.  Therefore if the new pins set at 0 and 104 percent change the curve then actuating 'Set Pin[o]' again will change the displayed conic value.  Once pins at 0 and 104 percent have been set 'Set Pin[o]' cannot change them on the second pass. See procedures.htm .
The conic display normally uses curv_fit_to_data[] for its two points in which case the difference is doubled if the tester light source is stationary.
To test the conic calculation with a formula rather than curve data:
   I.   Select the desired formula then press 'Start Plot'.
  II.  Select PBR2.
 III. Right click on PBRB1 to load the
        array with the formula curve. For more on this see procedures.htm .
 IV. Press 'Set Pin[o]'.
         If formula_as_a_reference_starward_metric[] is null then the conic display
          will display 'conic refr null'.

Cross Section Display
The green glass mirror display always displays the surface of a parabola.
   The effect of the shadow of the secondary is shown as a hole through the glass.
   The single pixel height overlay plot may be one of the following.
S Plot of the spherical reference surface.
   Displays when R'-Ro formula selector button is pressed.
   Display will plot all the way up to the upper clip line
    if a short ROC is selected.
D Transform of 'curve_to_fit_data[]'.
   Displays when  PBL3, PBL4 or PBL5 are selected.
F Transform of formu_starward_metric[].
   Displays when 'Start Plot' is pressed.
Plot line for S, D or F may be shifted when 'Zero Data' is selected.

