List of the Ronchi Java Applet modifications, updates or trouble reports.

Most recent at the top.
Dates in yymmdd format.

Significant recent program changes:

07-01-21 Updated the instructions at the top of the page instruct.htm.

05-07-25 Added functionality to the formula parser such that   TAN   in a formula evaluates the following number to tan(number).
Added functionality to the formula parser such that   IVT   in a formula evaluates the following number to arc tan(number).  ( inverse tangent )

05-07-24 Added functionality to the formula parser such that   S   in a formula evaluates to:  ( r * r ) / 2R

05-07-22 Corrected an error in the program formulas that caused a two to one error in the Ro - R' display box and the Foucault display.

05-07-22 The users phrase, for example 'My Mirror' at the left bottom of the Applet window and the 'Show Screen' button at the bottom right of the Applet window are moved higher on the screen. These feature can now be seen even with the bottom of the Applet window off the bottom of the system's screen.

04-10-26 When the 'Marker' button is actuated the menu legend will go away so as to display the plot.  Previously two buttons had to be pressed to actuate and then to display the marker pins.

04-10-26 Changed the initialization of constant_p.   constant_p is now initialized to the same value as constant_A when the program starts.  Previously constant_p was always initialized to -1.
Isolated the data entry for param_'P' ( constant_p ) from the data entry button for percent zone.  Previously the param_'P' data entry was piggybacked on the percent data entry button.  Renamed param_'P' ;  param_'P' will now be called constant_B to avoid confusion with the percent zone data entry.  The two data entry buttons share the same location on the display screen.

04-10-26 Renamed constant_C as constant_A in order to improve the understandability of the program.

04-09-10 Changed the handling of SQR in the function parser.  The parser will now do a square root of a term which has been reduced to a number.  Previously SQR would only work on a number.

04-08-17 Changed the parsing of users formula.  When the parser encounters a zero divisor it will substitute 1 x 10-7.  And the parser will continue and not cancel on a divide by zero as before.

04-07-22 Changed the handling of keyboard events so that the state of the keyboard event will not time out and cancel until both the run() and update( Graphics)  methods of the Ron program have been hit by the system and returned.

04-05-14 Corrected an error in the legend for param 'P' and activated the Esc key for discontinuing param 'P' data entry.

04-05-14 Modified the key event listener to wake up the scan immediately when there is keyboard input.

04-02-27 Modified the update() function in the Java source code to make the Applet run faster.  No operational changes at 'run time' are expected.

04-01-21 If the mirror diameter is set to a negative value or zero it will display red text in its data entry button.  Reset to a positive value to restore.

03-12-25 Added speed control to the units conversion screen saver display to slow the display speed on fast computers.

03-12-01 Change to the 'Zone Marker' button operation to allow for user defined zone marker pins.

03-12-01 No entries before this date.