Surf Program functionality made visible with the s key.

The animation below shows two pins intentionally being placed too close together.
This will
show the angle lines on the curve fit to the data pins and turn off the curve smoother.

Another way to show the angle lines on the curve fit to the data pins and turn off the curve smoother is to press the  s  key twice.  Pressing the  s key once will show calculations done in the 'curve to fit data' method. 

Key for functionality visible when  s key pressed.

The upper portion of the display shows the results of the preliminary work done by:
curve_fit_to_entered_data_points( )

Pins with radii greater than zero are sorted by radius.
Pad pins are set to make the curve continuous at the mirror center and edge.
Angles are calculated in preparation for curve fitting.
The curve is fit using sine waves of various spatial frequency.
The curve is smoothed.
If the curve is non linear it is corrected using a second curve fitting.
The curve is smoothed.

The angle lines are displayed if required or desired.

The lower portion of the display deals with calculations in the
starward_to_surface_transform( )  method.

The geometrical approximation done by the transformer has residual error due to the finite size of the segments.
The first correction factor deals with spherical curves and is not shown.
The 'different from a sphere' correction number is made by subtracting a sphere from the uncorrected curve and is used to correct for 'conic constant' variations.

The lower three lines on the yellow background show the values in the transform correction arrays.
The transform correction arrays are the final correction applied to the transformed curve.
The display will not refresh automatically so press the space bar to refresh after calling
starward_to_surface_transform( ).

The transform in the transformer method uses a data array of  1601 elements = mirror radius.
The array is condensed to 401 elements = mirror radius when different_from_a_sphere[ ] is applied.
The accuracy of the transformer method in Lwaves depends on the mirror's diameter since all data is normalize to mirror diameter.